Tag: Real Estate Broker Tips

  • Effective Canvassing Tips for Commercial Real Estate Agents

    Effective Canvassing Tips for Commercial Real Estate Agents

    Resources Required In commercial real estate sales and leasing, you should have a good selection of resource information available to use in any conversation and meeting event.  That information can be in the ‘cloud’ for access at any time on a tablet or laptop computer.  Use a visual approach with that real estate information; charts…

  • Strategies for Building Commissions in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

    If you have chosen commercial real estate as your preferred career, you have likely done so for a reason.  Perhaps someone has introduced you to the profession, or you have seen what some agents do and achieve in their career and you want to get similar results.   Many ‘Roads’ to Take in Commercial Property…

  • Making The Best of Your Time in Commercial Real Estate

    Time is one of the most valuable resources that you have in commercial real estate brokerage. The way that you use your time will impact the results that you seek with clients, listings, inspections, and commissions. You can get more tips for brokers in our free email course. Consider the events of the last week…

  • Cold Calling Strategies in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

    You will hear it frequently said that cold calling just has to be a part of a real estate prospecting model. Many agents and brokers struggle with the process and never really get it under control. That’s where the frustration is for many; they simply can’t get the skills under control or perhaps the focus…

  • Talent Search in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

    Talent in commercial real estate can be a number of things depending on the job specification, the local area, and the property type.  The point is that you must hire people with ‘talent’ or ‘potential talent’ if you want a better brokerage and market share. When you are employing people for real estate roles in…

  • Detailed Cold Calling Tips for Commercial Real Estate Brokers

    The process of cold calling in commercial real estate brokerage is essential if you want to drive more clients and listings into your database.  The process is so logical and yet avoided by many. Here below are some tips from our Newsletter. Every so often you will hear some agent or broker say that ‘cold…

  • Classic Commercial Real Estate Sales Letters

    In the commercial real estate brokerage today, the classic sales letter will always create opportunity for an agent or broker if the process is put in place successfully and consistently.  It is necessary to understand the logic behind the process, the timing of the letters, and the requirement to do it regularly. It is a…