Brainstorming Strategies for Commercial Real Estate Brokers

In commercial real estate brokerage it is always important to look at the variables of the property market and the opportunities that may exist within it. (NB – you can get our free commercial real estate brokerage course right here)

Given that you have a territory and property type to focus on, look at the indicators and look at the opportunities.

Given that things change so frequently throughout the year across sales, leasing, and property management, a good degree of brainstorming and business planning should occur regularly and specifically for your target markets and business territory.

Actions and Ideas

In this audio, John Highman talks about the importance of brainstorming your actions and your results. He gives you ideas relating to the essential facts to watch as some of the key performance indicators and categories of trending.

Improve your position as a broker or an agent through some simple direct and reliable brainstorming activities at least quarterly, and perhaps monthly. In that way, you can understand what is happening with time on market, enquiries, prices, and transaction activity.

You can get the audio here below, where John Highman talks about this essential business skill in commercial real estate brokerage today.